My beard has split ends – the quick, easy fixes!

My beard has split ends – the quick, easy fixes!

Split ends when the ends of your beard are frayed and resemble a split rope. The causes of beard split ends include a dry beard, poorly conditioned beards as well as environmental conditions such as dry heat, UV rays, and wind. You can also create split ends by over-grooming your beard with a brush as well as using a lot of harsh beard treatments such as chemical straightening and heat treatment. The reality for many beard growers is that they will get split ends at some point. This isn’t a fatal problem for your beard but it can cause your beard to look frizzy and particularly scraggly. In this article, we are going to go over the quick and easy fixes if you find that you have a number of split ends and we are also going to talk about the easiest ways to get your beard looking as good as possible!

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Why is my beard scraggly

Why is my beard scraggly? The 5 insider reasons!

There comes a time in every bearded person’s beard growing journey where they look at themselves and they say “well, my beard is looking a little bit scraggly”. A scraggly beard can be caused by a variety of reasons but the good thing is that all of the reasons that a beard looks scraggly are easy to fix. Ultimately, we want to end up with a beard that we are proud of and one that when we look in the mirror we say “that is a good beard”. In this article we are going to go over all of the reasons why your beard looks scraggly and I will point you to all of the resources you need to make your beard look as awesome as possible.

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How to keep beard hairs from sticking out [Ultimate guide]

How to keep beard hairs from sticking out [Ultimate guide]

As your beard gets longer and longer it gets harder to maintain the shape and style of the beard. There are so many reasons why your beard hair can quickly become out of shape on your face and why the individual hairs may not be behaving themselves. Beard hairs can stick out for a variety of reasons and no matter what the reason we can all agree that that is really frustrating and can cause you countless hours of pruning and worrying in the mirror. In this article we are going to go over all of the things you can do about how to keep beard hairs from sticking out of the lines of your beard. You will be pleasantly surprised with how you easy it is to keep your beard in shape!

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Do beards make you look old

Do beards make you look old? [What the science says]

When you are thinking about growing a beard there are many questions that pop into your mind. Will a beard make me more attractive? Will beard suit my face and hair growth density? And, the subject of this article: do beards make you look old? Some people actually want to look older whilst other people want to make sure their beard won’t add unnecessary years to their age. In this article we are going to have a look at all of the different ways that a beard can make you look older and younger. And importantly the factors that primarily decide if you will look older when you grow a beard.

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Scraggly beard fix

Scraggly beard fix – 5 simple options for you!

Every man wants a beautiful beard. Part of making your beard look awesome is about making it look as intentional as possible. Even just a little bit of bad maintenance or care can leave your beard looking scraggly, wiry, dry and otherwise just unkempt. The good news is that it is not the end of the world if your beard ends up looking scraggly. There are plenty of really simple ways that you can make your beard look as intentional and professional as possible. In this article, we are going to go over all of the reasons why your beard may look scraggly and, importantly, exactly what you can do about it.

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Do beards grow faster when you sleep?

Do beards grow faster when you sleep? [The science]

Some people find that their beard seems to grow faster at night time. Perhaps you shave in the morning and don’t notice much grow throughout the day but then it the next morning it is bigger and thicker than you thought it could get. It may be that your beard looks bushy in the morning and so you equate that with your beard faster while you are sleeping. But is this the case? Do beard really grow faster when you sleep? In this article we are going to go over everything you need to know about growing a beard and what you can do to make your beard grow faster – sleep or otherwise.

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beard shine products

Beard shine products – make your beard shine with this top 5!

Every bearded person wants to have a beard that they are proud of. This beard should be well trimmed, have good density, hold its shape throughout the day, and be so well conditioned that it looks a little bit shiny. A shiny beard is something that every one wants to achieve. It can be really difficult because your beard is out in the elements all day every day and it can be hard to keep up with the amount of moisturising or care that is required. In this article we are going to go over the best beard shine products that you can use to make your beard look shiny and not dull or weathered.

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Do beards make you look fatter?

Do beards make you look fatter?

There is no doubt that beards can make you look very different. Changing your beard style, growing facial hair at all, or trimming up certain spots of your beard can dramatically change the shape of your face. If you can master the art of trimming your own beard shaping your beard will give you a power to change the perceived shape of your face as well as drawing attention to or away from problem areas. In this article we are going to have a look at the question: do beards make you look fatter? While also having a look at ways you can trim your beard to change your appearance.

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Is beard hair the same as pubic hair?

Is beard hair the same as pubic hair? The surprising facts!

It’s something that often crosses a bearded person’s mind – is beard hair the same as pubic hair? Sure, there are some similarities in terms of the texture and shape of the hair. It is wiry, a bit unruly, and it can get quite bushy if left unkept. But, if I was to take pubic hair and put it on my face would I end up with a beard? Would it look the same? Is it exactly the same sort of body hair? Well, in this article we are going to go over the similarities and differences between beard hair and pubic hair.

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