Beard trimmer pulls hair

Beard trimmer pulls hair [5 fixes for bad trimmers]

One of the most trusted and used parts of a beard grooming toolbox is the beard trimmer. The beard trimmer is my go-to tool to fix almost every problem. I like to use my beard trimmer to not only shape up my beard will also cut in the edges and define the lines of my beard. The problem is that sometimes the beard trimmer pulls hair is to the point that it hurts. If you have recently bought a new trimmer this could be as simple as an alignment issue, or for older trimmers, a little bit of maintenance may stop it from pulling hairs

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Can you use hair gel on your beard

Can you use hair gel on your beard? [Answers from science]

Every bearded grower looks inside their bathroom cabinet and sees a range of different styling products. Some of them are for your hair lost others for your beard and mustache. Which products can you actually use on your beard as well as your hair? If you are lucky enough to have long luscious locks as well as a big bushy beard, you may be tempted to use hair gel on your beard. In this article, we are going to go over the science behind what hair gel is made of and whether or not you can use it on your beard. We will also cover all of the issues with using hair gel on your beard and look for better alternatives that don’t cost a fortune.

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Can you wax stubble? [Methods and options]

Can you wax stubble? [Methods and options]

There is sometimes that beard maintenance can be a little bit of a pain. It feels like a relentless battle against growth in areas where you don’t want growth and trying to grow the best hairs possible where you can grow hair. It’s probably crossed everyone’s mind at some point while growing a beard to simply wax the stubble away. This could be either at the cheek line and the neckline of the beard or it could be used to remove a beard completely – but painfully. In this article, we are going to go over everything you need to know about waxing stubble and the alternatives which will probably result in a much better outcome for you.

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Mustache too light? [Reasons and little-known solutions]

Mustache too light? Here’s what you can do about it!

While you are growing your beard you may notice that your mustache is very light. There are a variety of reasons why your mustache may be light it is primarily dictated by your genetics, but it may be compounded by some damage and the fact that the hair density and coverage is very thin making it lighter than the rest of your beard. In this article, we are going go over all of the things that you can do to make your mustache darker if you consider your mustache too light.

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What makes stubble scratchy?

What makes stubble scratchy?

In the very early stages of growing a beard you will notice that stubble is very scratchy. As you run your fingers over the top of the new hairs you will feel as if you’re rubbing sandpaper. The feeling comes from the fact that beard hair is very thick and has a three layered internal structure which makes the fibre very rigid. In this article, we’re going to go over all the reasons why stubble is scratchy and talk about some of the things that you can do about it.

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How do you soften stubble

How do you soften stubble? 9 EXPERT techniques

When I first started growing a beard I was amazed at how rough and sharp stubble could be. In the early stages of beard growth stubble is not as rough or spiky. But, as your beard mature laws and you enter the later stages of your beard potential it becomes very sharp. This is primarily noticed by any partners which may be rubbing up against your face. In this article, we are going to go over all of the ways that you can soften your stubble and the expert tips and techniques for leaving your stubble irresistibly soft and smooth.

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beard facial at home

How to do a beard facial at home [Every step you need!]

Just because you have a beard doesn’t mean you have to miss out on one of life’s luxuries – a facial. Facials can get pretty expensive – between $30 and $100. If you decide to have any bespoke treatments or you want anything extra special from the spa it can cost a little bit more. For those of you on a tighter budget you’ll be pleased to know that you can get the same effect as a spa treatment in the comfort of your home.

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How can I make my short beard look good?

No matter the length of your beard you want it to look good. There are some basic Beard maintenance approaches and tips which are universal to all Beard types. However, for a short beard there are few specific tips which only apply to short beards. When I was growing out my beard I wanted it as awesome as possible throughout the growing process and this is what I learned about how to make my shall Beard look good.

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Mustache with stubble

Mustache with stubble [Polls, styling guide and tips]

A very popular Beard style that I considered trimming up myself is the moustache with stubble. This style of Beard is becoming increasingly popular due to its low maintenance, unique style, and ability to grow quickly. However, there are some very important care and trimming steps that you need to adhere to in order to make your moustache with stubble look awesome. In this article, we are going to go over everything you need to know about trimming up your moustache with stubble to keep it looking sharp and fresh.

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