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Does rubbing your beard help it grow - Beard growing pro

Does rubbing your beard help it grow? [SOLVED with science]

Rubbing your beard has been reported to provide some benefits for its growth. From increased stimulation and exfoliating the skin, rubbing your beard regularly could make it better. But how true is that? This article will look at whether or not rubbing your beard will help it grow and look at the science behind facial massaging and hair growth.

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Does touching your beard damage it? Intense damage caused

Does touching your beard damage it? The surprising damage!

No matter the length of your beard, you may be concerned that you are damaging it when you are touching it. If your beard is short, you may be putting a lot of stress at the base of the hair. If your beard is long, you may be concentrating the stress along the hair shaft, which can create a high-pressure point inducing breakage.

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How do you wrap your beard at night

How to wrap your beard at night – with videos!

Protecting your beard at night is a very important step in growing a healthy and thick beard. You spend a huge amount of your time sleeping, and meshing your beard into the pillow at night may be causing it more harm than you know. Once I took more time to look at my nighttime routine, I noticed a significant decrease in beard hairs that I shed throughout the day.

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Does Collagen Help Beard Growth

Does Collagen Help Beard Growth?

Collagen has been receiving a lot of attention. It is the most abundant protein in the body, and its structure means that it is perfect for creating strong muscles, bone, cartilage, and hair. But does collagen help beard growth? My brother recently told me that he had been taking collagen supplementation, and he noticed a big effect on the thickness and strength of his beard. Does the science back this up?

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Why people tie their beards [Insider tips and tricks]

Why people tie their beards [Insider tips and tricks]

Have you been noticing a huge variety of different beard styles? It can take a long time before a beard is long enough to tie completely towards the front. One of my friends regularly ties his beard, and I think it looks brilliant. I am yet to tie my beard to the front of my face because it is just a little too short. Once it gets longer, I will start tying it to see how it feels to wear it throughout the day.

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Which fruit is best for beard growth

11 Delicious Fruits Best for Thick and Full Beard Growth

About one year ago, I decided that I would eat fruit for every breakfast during the week. Little did I know that I would be providing my beard with the best opportunity to grow thick and strong. I did it to increase the amount of healthy food I consumed during the day. Doctors always tell you to eat more fruit, and I found it hard to regularly squeeze it into my diet.

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Why alcohol is terrible for a beard [The strange effects]

Why alcohol is terrible for a beard [The strange effects]

Drinking alcohol is a common part of most people’s lives. Having a drink on a Friday afternoon to relax after a hard week is one of life’s pleasures. Types of alcohol are also found in some products, which can dehydrate your beard. There are good alcohols and bad alcohols that we will go through in this article.

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Can you use too much beard oil? [7 Common problems]

Can you use too much beard oil?

I have been a person who used far too much beard oil. In the early stages of growing my beard, people said to me that my beard looked wet. It turned out that I was using far too much beard oil, which couldn’t absorb into my beard hair. Over the years, I have realised that using too much beard oil can stain materials and look wet, and I now know less is more.

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