Best Beard Oil For Acne Prone Skin? 5 science-backed options

Acne is a terrible condition that affects young teenagers particularly hard. It is a long term skin condition that occurs when dead skin cells, oil and dirt clogs the hair follicle. This is seen as white heads (or pimples) as well as blackheads. As beard growth happens at a similar time it is important that the products you use don’t irritate the condition and cause the fair follicles to clog up any more. Beard oil is no different. Here we will work out what ingredients you should look for when selecting the best beard oil for acne prone skin.

Isner Miles beard oil – Beard oil selection is the best for ache prone skin. Acne is caused by a bacterial found in the bottom of the pores called C. acnes. We need to select a beard oil that contains natural ingredients and carrier oils and essential oils that are known to not clog up the pores.

Luckily a range of carrier oils used in beard oils are really great for reducing inflammation, such as Jojoba oil and argan oil!

 Also, the essential oils used in beard oil will not do you any harm either and can also help with the symptoms of acne…the best product for you?

Want to find out more about using beard oil? Check out the blog post “beard oil for beginners”

Need a quick pick? Try a beard oil selection range so you can test what works best for your skin – everyone’s beard and acne is a little different.

In a hurry? My pick

Beard oilWhy?Link to product
Isner Mile
This product contains a range of essential oils that’ll enable you to test the effects on your beard and acne.

It has a great selection of ingredients that will help reduce inflammation and essential oils that have also been proven to be antibacterial.
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Before we delve into the recommendations, let’s get a couple of acne myths out of the way first so we know why I chose these products and where you stand with your skin…there’s some good new in there for you too!

Four acne myths

Despite what your friends, family or various websites tell you there are a few myths that seem to continually pop up as causes of acne. Once and for all it’s important to know that these factors have little effect on acne.

1. Greasy foods

You may have heard that greasy foods increase acne. Well there’s very little to no evidence to support that claim! Diet has a limited impact on your acne but working in a greasy kitchen may cause your pores to clog up more or further irritate the skin.

If you are a teenager working in the fast-food business you may have noticed an increase in acne if you are near the deep fryer often!

2. Washing or scrubbing your face will clear up acne

Do not listen to the TV commercials or online advertisements! Your skin does not need a bloody good scrub!

Pores do not get clogged from the outside getting in. It is more likely that your acne is caused by the inside of the pore sticking together and blocking the pore.

Do not scrub your face often as this can actually cause your face to get worse! Instead, wash for face gently with a clean cloth and clean hands no more than twice a day!

3. Bacteria on the surface of your skin causes acne

Acne is actually caused by a bacteria deep inside your pores – not on the surface!

Your worst enemy is the bacteria C. acnes!

4. Cosmetics cause acne

Cosmetics don’t actually cause acne if chosen properly. you need to look for skin products that are noncomedogenics – which means that they do not clog pores!

However, if you do wear any cosmetic make sure it is removed at the end of the day to give your skin the chance to “breath”.

Okay, let’s take a deep dive into the common ingredients in beard oil and if they cause acne…

Common ingredients and acne

Beard oil is made up of carrier oil (the bulk of the product) and essential oils (the smelly and potent bit). Here are six of the most common ingredients and if they have any impact on acne.

All backed by science!

Carrier oils

Carrier oilDoes it make acne worse?References
Jojoba oilNo – does not clog pores – NO acne risk. Closest to natural skin oil. May help with inflammation and healing scarring caused by acne. 2012 study, 2013 review
Caster oilNo – has antibacterial properties for fighting acne. has been linked to anti-inflammatory action.2013 study, 2016 study, 2015 study
Coconut oilNo – fatty acids in the oil help kill bacteria.1972 study, 2009 study
Aragan oilUnsure – some claims but no scientific evidence. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in it so it may help with swelling. 2018 study, 2017 study
Sweet Almond oilNo – doesn’t clog pores. Anti-inflammatory properties.2010 study
Grape seed oilNo – reduces redness and inflammation and may help promote cell regeneration. 2016 study

Essential oils and acne

Using essential oils to treat acne is very common.

Essential oils are great for treating acne because they contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Research into essentials oils has identified a range of oils as great acne treatments. It makes sense then that the beard oils that you use have the essential oils that are best for acne.

These, in no particular order, are:

Make sure that you select a beard oil that has these essential oils in them and that you are happy with the smell!

I made a mistake and made a batch of DIY beard oil with a load of eucalyptus oil. Unfortunitiely I smelled like a popular industrial cleaning product and it put me off!

So choose your essential oil properly!

Recommended products

Beard oilLink to productHonest Amish

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Mountaineer Brand

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Isner Mile

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Rich Ross

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Viking Revolution

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What is acne?

Acne is a long term skin condition that occurs when dead skin cells and oil from the skin gets stuck in the hair follicle or pore. It affected 633 million people in 2015 and is most common in adolescence due to the wild fluctuation in hormones during puberty. It commonly results in these symptoms and common for most sufferers.

  • Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
  • Blackheads (open plugged pores)
  • Small red, tender bumps (papules)
  • Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips
  • Large, solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin (nodules)
  • Painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin (cystic lesions)

The results can mean that there is a lot of anxiety and reduced self esteem from the person afflicted.

What causes acne?

Genetics is the primary cause of acne. If your parents suffered you probably are too! Genetics causes excess oil production that clogs up pores and the presence of the bacteria C. acne

BONUS: Tips for cleansing acne-prone skin

Our top tips for cleansing acne prone skin comes down to these 4 simple steps:

  1. Cleanse gently – there is no need to use harsh chemicals on your skin unless they are prescribed by your doctor!
  2. Skip exfoliation – scrubbing doesn’t do anything for your acne. In fact, harsh and regular scrubbing can make it worse – so hold off on the face torture!
  3. Clean anything that touches your face – having good hygiene will 100% help your acne. Wash your face cloths and hands before touching your face.
  4. Handoff your skin – Try touching your face as infrequently as possible. Although the bacteria come from inside the pore anything that increases the chance of clogging of the pores will make your acne worse!

I hope you have learned a bit more about the Best Beard Oil For Acne Prone Skin! Let us know how you go!

The Author

Andy Stapleton

Andy is a writer and YouTuber with a PhD in science. He has written and/or produced videos for Science Alert, COSMOS magazine, and Australia's Science Channel among others. He is an avid beard grower and after many years of growing and trialling different beard styles, he started this blog to share the tips, tricks, and science that he has learned along the way!