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How to grow a beard [The Ultimate 2021 Guide]

In this ultimate guide blog post, I want to share all of the knowledge I have gained over many years on how to grow a beard. Growing a beard can be a life-changing experience and getting to grips with what to expect can make growing a beard a much more pleasant experience. Here I want to share the secrets and the insider tricks that you can use when growing your own beard too! I’ve got a load of videos from my YouTube channel too! There’s no doubt that growing a beard comes with its own challenges but with the right support – and the information in this ultimate guide – I’m sure that you can get through everything your beard journey will throw at you!

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How much beard balm to use [The Ultimate Beard Balm Guide]

Beard balm, beard oil, beard wax…there’s so much stuff that you can lather into your face friend that it can get confusing. Each product requires a different amount to be applied while also requiring certain tricks for optimum use. Embracing products early, however, is a great way to get the most out of your growing beard! Here we will cover exactly how much beard balm to use and why you should use it.

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How to detangle your beard – a complete guide to tangle-free beards!

As your beard gets longer it is natural to find that it become tangled more often. You’ll spend more and more time stood looking into the mirror raking at your beard wishing for it to detangle! The good news is that there are plenty of ways that you can detangle your beard. From combs to products that’ll help keep your beard knot free! Here’s a rundown on how to detangle your beard…

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How to make your beard shine! 8 magic tips for beards

As your beard grows and gets longer you may be wondering how you can get it to look it’s absolute best! Hair looks the healthiest when it has a natural shine to it. That means that it is well conditioned and has been protected from the stress of everyday life! Here we’ll look at how to make your beard shine – in both the “it stands out way” as well as literally making it shine with how healthy it looks!

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Why does my beard split in the middle? With effortless fixes!

It happens to many people with long beards. Beards splitting naturally as they fall are a common issue that many men face. No matter what you do to try and tame the split – nothing really seems to work. Here, we’re going to go through the ways that you can tame the beard split and why it happens. BTW, it’s not a bad thing either…in fact, it’s coming back into fashion!

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Why does my beard have different colors?

Why does my beard have different colors? The real answer!

When you start growing a beard you probably image a nice mono color beard with a full chin and defined lines. As you grow it out you realize that your beard is a range of different colors and is much further away from one color – rather it is full of a range of different colors. Red, crown, grey blond, black, brown – they are all there! Let’s take a look at why your beard has different colors!

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Best beard trimmer for a close shave

Best beard trimmer for a close shave

Beard trimmers have come a long way since the days of having a single function or use. There are plenty of beard trimmers and products that perform a myriad of functions. They can trim, edge, and clean shave a beard. So, what is the best beard trimmer for a close shave as well as trim and maintain?

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Goatee grows faster than sides

Goatee grows faster than sides – what you can do about it!

It’s the ultimate problem that occurs when you are growing a beard! The hours of constantly analyzing the shape and trimming off tiny bits here and there. Trimming your beard can certainly keep it in shape despite the fact that you are risking trimming off too much! But you may have noticed that your goatee grows faster than the sides of your beard. Here we’ll take a look at the reasons why this happens and what you can do about it to stop it destroying your beard.

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