where to shave when growing a beard

Where to shave when growing a beard – with pictures

When you are growing a beard – especially in the early days – you want to make sure that your beard is looking as good and as clean as possible. There are plenty of awkward beard stages but you can minimise your ruggedness by keeping the lines of the beard trimmed up and shaved down to the skin. If you want to know about the stages of beard growth check out my other article – growing a beard? These are the stages that you can expect to go through! – Click here. In this article, I will explicitly show you where to shave when growing a beard.

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do I use Beard oil before or after straightening

Do I use Beard Oil before or after straightening? [FACTS]

As you are growing a beard you will become increasingly aware of how curly and bushy natural beards grow. No matter how much Beard oil, beard balm, or beard wax you use it never seems to be enough to completely control your hair. That is where beard straighteners can be an excellent tool for you. Beard straighteners are a fantastic addition to nearly every bearded person’s toolkit as they allow you to easily and reproducibility create a straight and awesome beard. The issue is, when do you use Beard oil. Do I use Beard oil before or after straightening? And what other benefits of using it before and after straightening? In this article we are going to go over using Beard oil before and after straightening and what the benefits of each are.

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Asymmetrical beard growth

A complete guide to asymmetrical beard growth

As you are growing out your beard you may become increasingly concerned about the asymmetry of your beard growth. I just want to let you know up front that asymmetrical beard growth is completely normal. As you are growing a beard, in the initial stages you are acutely aware of all of the differences in growth. Perhaps you have one side of your face that is denser than the other. Perhaps you feel like your moustache is growing quicker or slower than your beard. Everything that I just mentioned is completely normal and is easy to fix.

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What does having a beard symbolize

What does having a beard symbolize? [What religion and science says]

When you are thinking about growing a beard one of the first things you worry about is – what is this going to say about me to the people around me? There is no doubt that beards can be perceived as either good or bad things depending on who you talk to. My beard has contributed to very polarized opinions and reactions. Some people absolutely hate my beard and tell me to remove it. Others say that it’s trendy and cool… I guess I just can’t please everyone – and you shouldn’t try to either. In this article we’re going to talk about what does having a beard symbolize? And what science has to say about beards.

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can you grow a beard at 16

Can you grow a beard at 16? Everything you need to know

As you are waiting for puberty to take control of your facial hair it can be a very frustrating time. When I was about 13 or so I just couldn’t wait to shave. The fuzz on my cheeks and upper lip never seemed to turn into anything substantial – all I had to do was wait. Growing a beard is something that many 15 and 16-year-olds want to do as a signal to the world that they have transitioned out of childhood into adulthood. So, can you grow a beard at 16? In this article we will cover everything you need to know about the later stages of puberty and when you should expect for them to turn your light hairs on your face into a beard.

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Can I wash my beard with just water

Can I wash my beard with just water? The ultimate guide for washing your beard with water

When you’re starting to grow a beard it is tempting to avoid using shampoo as it is an added expense and also you may have seen that washing your hair with just water results in a “naturally cleaning” effect. Cavemen didn’t have access to shampoo so why is it important that you use it? Here, we’re going to go over all of the aspects of washing your beard with just water and why you may want to add in a little bit of shampoo every now and again to really condition and clean your beard. So, can I wash my beard with just water – Let’s check it out.

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why does my beard grow so slow

Why does my beard grow so slow?

There is no doubt that growing a beard is a painfully slow process for many. Beard hair grows at a rate of about 0.38 mm per day. That is something that you cannot see and for many it feels like they are watching paint dry. One of the biggest factors of the perception of a slow-growing beard is actually the decreasing rate of change. When you first start growing a beard, it takes a short amount of time to double the current length so the change is very noticeable. As you continue to grow your beard at a constant rate the relative change in length decreases. This can make it a very frustrating process as your beard gets longer the slower it seems to grow. Here is A complete answer to Why does my beard grow so slow?

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do beards protect from germs

Do beards protect from germs? A complete guide to beards and germs

Beards have been getting a pretty bad rap in recent years. There are many news outlets that have reported that our beards contain poo, bacteria, dirt, and our beards are dirtier than a dog’s fur. We just can’t get out of the way of a good germ/beard attack. In this article we are going to look at the science and information around beards and germs. What does the science say? Do beards protect from germs? And is it unhealthy to have a beard?

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while the side-effects of growing a beard

What are the side-effects of growing a beard? 12 positive and negative effects!

When you decide to grow a beard some outcomes are obvious. Obviously, you can end up changing the way you look. You know that you are going to have more hair on your face. And, you’re probably aware that it’s going to take a little bit more maintenance than you are used to. Here, we’re going to go over some of the little-known side-effects of growing a beard. We will cover the upsides and downsides of having a beard – I guarantee that some of these will be things you haven’t thought about.

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