beard oil before bed

Beard oil before bed: is it a waste of time and money?

Oh, this question is a really awesome one. Beard oil has become the go-to product for bearded people. It has so many benefits such as moisturizing the skin and hair – ensuring you don’t end up with beardruff! You know – dandruff for the beard. But do these benefits still happen if you apply beard oil before bed? Let’s take a look at that question in detail!

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beard not growing on jaw

Beard not growing on jaw? Here’s how you can fix it.

When people plan what their beard will look like – most people imagine a thick luxurious beard that covers their face evenly from sideburn to chin! But there’s one thing that a lot of men face when they come to grow their beard – thin or patchy areas somewhere on their face. That can be on their cheek or jaw or maybe there are patches all over the place. Here we will go through the options available for a beard not growing on jaw scenario.

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mustache doesn't connect to beard

Mustache doesn’t connect to your beard? What you can do about it…

During your beard growing journey you will be faced with issues and challenges to overcome. These challenges are different for each and every person growing a beard. It may be that your beard is patchy. It may be that your beard is dry and frizzy and, if you have found your way here, perhaps you have a gap and your mustache doesn’t connect to your beard! Here we are going to go over the options so you can proud of your mustache and beard connections!

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Can beard growth be stimulated?

Can beard growth be stimulated? The best 5 ways you can boost your growth.

In the early stages of growth, it can be disheartening when you don’t see the results that you want. Beards can take a bit of time to look substantial and full. It took me until I was about 30 years old to be happy with my beard. If you are younger say 16 – 25 or so, you may just not be in the stage of life where your beard is at it’s fullest. If you want to speed things up here is everything you need to know to answer the question: Can beard growth be stimulated?

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Beard without mustache - header

The best beard without mustache? Our insider list!

A BEARD WITHOUT A MUSTACHE? Surely, not! In our gatekeeping society, we can often run across people that say that “a beard is not a beard unless it has a mustache”. However, don’t listen to these naysayers. There are plenty of reasons for growing a beard without a mustache and there are plenty of styles that you can choose from if you don’t want to include a mustache.

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how to grow beard on cheeks - header

How to grow a beard on your cheeks – follow these simple steps! OLD

When you are planning your beard and what you want it to look like – most people imagine a thick luxurious beard that covers their face from cheek to neck. But there’s one thing that a lot of men face when they come to grow their beard – thin or patchy areas on their cheeks. Here we will go through the options available for how to grow a beard on cheeks.

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how long does beard itch last?

How long does beard itch last?

Growing a beard sounds so easy – you just have to stay away from trimmers and razors. At least, that’s what you are led to believe, right? There’s a little phase during the growing process which separates the bearded men from the boys – THE ITCH! – but how long does beard itch last?

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beard growing in wrong direction

6 simple hacks to stop your beard growing in the wrong direction

As my beard started to grow I realized that it was going to be a little more work that just waiting for my beard to fall into the perfect shape. As it grew, I realized that my beard was growing in the wrong direction and the hairs were simply going wild! Here we will look at the simple tricks that you can use to make sure that your beard is tamed and growing, and laying, in the direction that you want it to!

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