there are times in our lives where we want a drastic change. Maybe it is when we feel emotional and want our external self to reflect our internal self. No matter the motive for cutting or shaving your beard and changing your style dramatically, sometimes you can look weird after shaving your beard. Or you may notice that someone else has got a different beard style or removed their beard completely, and it looks really weird.
Is it bad to tweeze a beard? [A full Guide]
Using tweezers on your beard and waxing your beard seems like a really easy way to maintain your cheek lines and create a super sharp look. There is no doubt that waxing can cause many issues, but is tweezing your beard any better? Is it bad to tweeze a beard? This article will look at some of the dangers of tweezing your beard and what you definitely shouldn’t do.
How to wrap your beard at night – with videos!
Protecting your beard at night is a very important step in growing a healthy and thick beard. You spend a huge amount of your time sleeping, and meshing your beard into the pillow at night may be causing it more harm than you know. Once I took more time to look at my nighttime routine, I noticed a significant decrease in beard hairs that I shed throughout the day.
Why people tie their beards [Insider tips and tricks]
Have you been noticing a huge variety of different beard styles? It can take a long time before a beard is long enough to tie completely towards the front. One of my friends regularly ties his beard, and I think it looks brilliant. I am yet to tie my beard to the front of my face because it is just a little too short. Once it gets longer, I will start tying it to see how it feels to wear it throughout the day.
11 Delicious Fruits Best for Thick and Full Beard Growth
About one year ago, I decided that I would eat fruit for every breakfast during the week. Little did I know that I would be providing my beard with the best opportunity to grow thick and strong. I did it to increase the amount of healthy food I consumed during the day. Doctors always tell you to eat more fruit, and I found it hard to regularly squeeze it into my diet.
Why alcohol is terrible for a beard [The strange effects]
Drinking alcohol is a common part of most people’s lives. Having a drink on a Friday afternoon to relax after a hard week is one of life’s pleasures. Types of alcohol are also found in some products, which can dehydrate your beard. There are good alcohols and bad alcohols that we will go through in this article.
Can you use too much beard oil?
I have been a person who used far too much beard oil. In the early stages of growing my beard, people said to me that my beard looked wet. It turned out that I was using far too much beard oil, which couldn’t absorb into my beard hair. Over the years, I have realised that using too much beard oil can stain materials and look wet, and I now know less is more.
Why Sikhs tie their beards [History and reasons]
You may have seen Sikhs with a thin cloth over their beards or beards that have been tied up and tucked under the chin. Many Sikhs tie their beards simply because their religion dictates that they cannot cut their hair. Sikhism is the fifth-largest religion globally, and males in this religion grow a beard as a sign of freedom and respect to their God. Sikhs consider the beard an integral part of nobility and dignity and a respectful token towards manhood.
Is milk good for a beard? [All the science]
Providing your body with the best essential nutrients and energy for growing a beard is very important. Making sure that you get a wide variety of foods in your body means your beard has the potential to grow thicker, longer, and fuller. However, some foods are better than others. In other articles, I have talked about eggs, coffee, and even sperm. In this article, I will talk about whether or not milk is good for your beard.